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The Sustainable Darkroom

Plant-Based Developers*

Plant-Based Developers*

Regular price £50.00 GBP
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*Plant-Based developers are a solution driven by ascorbate and modified by plants

In this on-demand workshop video we cover:

- Choosing plants to work with
- Making an extraction
- Mixing the developer
- Working with the developer on film
- Working with the developer on paper
- Storing and re-using the developer

If you would like a 1:1 follow-up session with a member of our team as part of your workshop package, then please select the option Plant Based Developers (video + live 1:1 support).

With this option, you will be able to book a 1:1 online, 20-minute session with a member of our team. You can schedule the session at a time and date that is convenient to you.

During this, we can review your initial tests, help you to troubleshoot, and support you with any further questions you have following on from the workshop.

Workshop teachers: Hannah Fletcher and Edd Carr
Videographer / Editor: Alessandro Schneider

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